In addition to the resonant Montessori curriculum, Grace Montessori Academy also provides these supplemental lessons in keeping with our educational goals. The elementary enrichment programs include foreign language, bible lessons, health and physical education, art and music.


Our bible curriculum is “God’s Plan.” We focus on God’s providential work through history, emphasizing Christian values and encouraging each child’s personal relationship with God on a daily basis. The children have weekly bible lessons with basic scripture memorization.

Children work with hands-on lessons (Parable boxes) that faithfully pass on the stories and teachings of the Bible. By using an integrated curriculum and an approach to education that focuses on the individual child, the teaching of God’s Word does not become compartmentalized. Rather, a thread of spirituality and bible truths are woven throughout the curriculum and into all aspects of a child’s life. As the child matures, these lessons expand to include Christian characteristics and in-depth studies of key biblical concepts.

Our Elementary and Middle School students attend Chapel weekly, where the Word of God is shared and applications made with the student own lives. Scripture memorization is a key focus so the students learn His Words in their hearts.

Foreign Language

All elementary children experience age-appropriate beginning foreign language class. Our goal is to help the students understand English grammar, and to compliment their English vocabulary, through the study of other Latin-based languages.

Beginning in Kindergarten, GMA students have a formal class once each week. Classes are taught in small groups and are given time to practice and learn the language.

Art & Music

Art and music are essential extensions of the sensorial and language activities. Music classes will be conducted weekly by a certified music teacher incorporating singing, notation, listening, and study of music theory. The art curriculum exposes children to all forms of art expression.

This introduction includes studies of pictures by famous artists and styles through our “Child Size Masterpieces” curriculum in Early Childhood, expanding on these basics by exploring a variety of media and techniques in our Elementary and Middle School classes. Our Middle School students practice these basics on guitar.


GMA utilizes the Young Peacemaker’s Curriculum to teach conflict management to our young children. When a conflict arises, the teacher accompanies the child to the Peace Table, and with the teacher‘s guidance, the children work through their conflict through confession, repentance and restoration. GMA function within the principles of Luke 6:31: “Do to others as you would have them to unto you.”

As the children grow in maturity, often times they are able to resolve conflict in this manner without the teacher’s supervision. If this is the case, the teacher may ask the students about the outcome of the Peace Table encounter.

Physical Education

Classes focus on fitness, a variety of motor skills, games and sportsmanship.